Monday, March 10, 2008

32 days and counting

Now that I am done most of the major assignments for university I need to start looking for a new place to live in the big city. I have been dragging my feet at this, but the reality is setting in and I need to secure an apartment ASAP! I knew there would be challenges to this, but well I thought it would be a little easier to be honest. The first place I phoned said the only apartments they had available for April 1st was a mini-bachelor, what is this? I would imagine it's like an apartment the size of a shoe closet where you sit on your bed and dip your feet in the toilet, not exactly what I am after. So after looking a little bit more on the internet I found a few more places. The one that I would really really like to get into (because I know they are decent apartments I have had friends that rented in this building) is a bit of a drive to the hospital I will be at, but it has a dishwasher and washer/dryer in the apartment!!! What more could a girl ask for? I need to phone this building first thing tomorrow morning to see what they have for me.

I was finally able to secure a visit to the hospital I am completing my senior practicum at, which I'm stoked about. The nursing placement lady was funny because she tried to get me all excited about going on a trip to Tim Horton's at the facility, good thing I know it's a little bit of a jaunt to get there from the ER, so it should safely reduce the temptation! It is rather funny though to watch at the local ER all the people who bring a Timmy's coffee for the long to wait to see the doctor at 4am, I thought they were having an "emergency" how did they have time to stop there first? hehe

I am also going to pick up my dress on Wednesday for grad! I need to find some cute shoes to go with my dress while I am in the city. Hopefully there are some cute summer heels out to choose from. I looked online, but I am worried that there won't be enough time to ship them. Only 32 more days left of the class room portion of university, but who is counting? I am pumped to be so close to the end!

Have a great day!